News of events and photos

Heads up for those in the area. Wednesday June 11th is the Mid-Coast Kennel Clubs member meeting. There will be a carting demo by Sue and Todd Mendleson and their beautiful newfies. (I hope to get photos to share.) It will be held at 6:30pm at this training center: (In Lincolnville.) The public is welcome to attend.

I am also attending the Pitbull Educational Seminar in Portland next weekend. (Given by Drayton of ) If anyone wants to carpool I am up for it. For those interested in more info or signing up here is the webite of the place holding the event:

This is Maggie. She is learning a few rules in her new home.

Like how to live peaceably with new big brother Jake.

This is the dynamic duo of Gunther (L) and Gilligan.(R) 10 Month old siblings that are also learning some new skills. Like how to listen to mom and dad. We tuckered them out pretty good as you can see.

Maya (L) is also a new addition to a home with a new big sister Emma.(R) She is learning how to bark less and share more.

This is Griffy. He is a 7 month old longcoated akita adopted through rescue I did a homecheck on. He will be headed to training class soon. (He already knows how to work that smile!)

And here is my handsome boy Jack with a family friend affectionatly known as our second daughter. He likes hanging on the couch with the girls given the chance.

Sorry for the lack of timely posting. I have been really busy and sometimes things have to give. I am hoping once summer starts and the kids are home from school things will die down to the normal dull roar.

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