Good links for Stockdog Nationals and trial dogs

The organizers of the National USBCHA (US Border Collie Handler's Association) have started a blog. The most recent post on the blog is called...

Conditioning for the National Finals, by Scott Glen

Here is the link. This blog is well-worth following!

There is a new blog on the Alta-Pete website too, that profiles the trial dogs -

The first profile on February 1st features Maid, who is my Jet's mother. I remember coming to Alberta for a clinic with Scott in 2005. I parked near a grove of trees and thought Maid was tangled up where she was tied. Trying to be helpful, I went to untangle her, but she made it very clear to me that she was not tangled by sorting herself out before I reached her. She was just wrapping around one tree for a better view of Scott who was in the arena. I had a good laugh at how she was so clear to me about this. At the time I liked her - not knowing I would end up with a Maid pup!

Jet and Maid in Michigan 2007
Jet had just come from working and is not really paying attention to the camera; and Maid is listening to Scott whistle...oh well, we tried...

Ted and his father Pleat at the same Michigan clinic, 2007. This was the weekend I took Ted home.

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