Busy night tracking

Tonight I laid tracks for all four dogs. Jet and Ted did the HITT thing on the parking lot with a much longer serpentine and Ted continues to shine using this method. Jet is very visual, so I am going to up the treats next time. I laid a track for River at 6:30, for Caden at 8:00 and then when they were done, played in the parking lot with HITT until 10 PM! I can't believe it was still so light out when I drove home.

Since River has done long tracks the last two days, today she got a motivational track. Altogether it was 270 meters and 2 hours old. But it had some fun stuff - stairs up to a roadway, and then a small uphill leg to another parking lot.

Tonight River was very excited and she ran her track with no issues at all! It was a good night for her. Here is her map. It started at the right and ended at the left (west). It was dry and warm to boot!

PS Notice - no turn at any building corners, AND the article is AFTER the corner of the building. I pat myself on the back, haha (see the post below)...

While River's was aging, I laid a track for Caden. I didn't put in too much hard surface but because of two soccer games, had to use what veg I could find at the College. His track starts at the top (North) and goes right, then turns south and comes back around. It looks like a closed in box which I normally don't care for, but after it aged, and because he is so nose down, it presented no issues for him.
I wish I had brought my camera tonight. Caden was really good at keeping his nose down and working out the track. I tried not to let him rush, and also to prevent circling at a few missed pieces of bait. He was DEAD ON. His track was 320 meters and one hour old. The age was an accident, I don't know where the time went! But he was excellent. He is quite an exciting dog to track with.

I no longer play at the end. I praised him and we had a short walk together. He needs to remember when he does a good job and playing makes him forget everything! He is learning this and has calmed down a lot now at the end of his track! No more looking for the tug. We don't do articles yet, so he gets a big jackpot at the end. Because of ants, I put it in a little glad container, and he picked it up to retrieve it!

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