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Everyday routines and funny habits
Posted on Thursday, March 20, 2008 by Canine Dog Training USA
In this picture, Ted is expressing sheer joy as he tosses his favourite big blue horse ball as part of his greeting ritual every day when I come home.

It is amazing to me, to see Shaman continue to do so well. Two weekends ago he had his annual vet check. We did not give him any vaccinations, because he is 10.5 and has a tumour. However, my vet could not really find much evidence of the tumour. Shaman is doing OK - sometimes he is a bit confused, and he has lost weight, but he is enjoying life and is fighting that cancer diagnosis. I have him on some supplements - maybe they have helped him!

Living with a pack of dogs, you start to notice that dogs love routine. The things they pick up and repeat most often are things that I don't teach, but things that seem to bring me a lot of joy and make me laugh. Here are some photos I've captured during the past week of the dog's funny habits and routines...
Donna tries to work on the computer
First there is Ted and his newly discovered obsession with this blue bone. This is the view I always have while I try to type at my computer, as Ted says "wouldn't it be more fun if you were to toss my bone, AGAIN? and AGAIN? and HEY, I have a bone here!!!"
Donna comes home from work
When I come home every day, the dogs do the same thing, to the letter. Each of the dogs runs for their favourite toy and they each put on quite a show for my benefit, as if they are the only dog in the yard. They compete like kids - "look at me! look at me!!" River runs and plays with the sheep bucket, Shaman tosses around his kong (he is the only one to play with that toy), and Ted has his blue horse ball. I am sure my neighbours think I am insane the way I laugh and play with the dogs every day when I come home from work. What a great greeting, and stress buster! 
River actually prances with her bucket, looking so incredibly proud. There couldn't be a better toy, as far as she is concerned. I call her the Bucket Dancer.
Getting ready for the annual vet check
Every spring when it is time for their annual vet check, I bath the dogs and give them a trim to spiff them up. This is one routine that none of us really enjoys, but when they are done, they seem to feel pretty special.
In the photo below, you can see the tips of my fingers as I am saying "STAY!" and you can also see how obedient River is...(not)...
In this photo, I finished bathing all three dogs and posed them in the sun. They look pretty happy to me - as much as they may not like a bath, all that attention is pretty sweet.
Take the toy to the kitchen to barter for cookies
This is a routine that was invented by Thorn. Even though he is no longer with us, we have the comfort of his ideas and inventions permeating our everyday habits. Thorn would take a toy and lead me to the kitchen, glancing over his shoulder to make sure I was following. In this picture, River and Ted have run to the kitchen with this blue ball, and they are clearly expecting a reward for "giving me" their toy! (I seem to like these things)
And how did that blue ball get in the house, anyhow?
That is another part of the routine - inside toys are always making their way out, and outside toys make their way in. Here is a picture of Ted at the door, asking if he can "sneak" his ball in. Notice River watching carefully...
...and look who gets the toy after Ted does all the work!
I call the look on River's face her "serious lip." She has a funny way of sticking out her bottom lip when she is really contemplating things, like how many cookies she will get for the toy.
You can see why her nickname is "the Princess!"
Category Article Border collie, Commentary, German Shepherd, River, Rough Collie, Shaman, Ted
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