Caden's birthday ball, and sister Cita!

If you looked at the pictures below you would have seen a photo of Arla, Caden's older sister (from the A litter - the C litter was a repeat breeding.) Arla is standing over her Giggle Ball. I recognized it immediately because that is what Caden got for his birthday!

He wasn't expecting anything, so he was delighted!

But after two weeks of listening to that ball I have to admit that it spends most of its time up on my counter. Caden figured out how to bite it just right so that all I could hear the entire time he was in the house there was this very strange grunting / giggly noise coming from his direction. Sort of like "GA gagagagagaga k-k-k-k-k-k gug gug" This toy is right up his alley, but I only let him have it when I feel like I can handle the noise it makes. It sounds like Caden is talking non-stop but making no sense!

And since I mentioned not having pictures of Cita - Sandy sent me these ones. Here is lovely Cita lying in the grass. She is another powerhouse tracker from this litter. And below is Cita as a tiny baby. She was the little baby of the litter but she has caught up!

Cita as a baby
So those are the birthday photos! A dog only turns ONE once! On Monday I am going out tracking with a local Schutzhund trainer - watch for the report!

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