All in the Lindau family - new TD for Sigrid and Shea

Ch Lindau's Schiehallion HIC, "SHEA" with judge Dawn Sanderson
New TD after the tracking test last weekend in Thunder Bay

See the post below (May 25) for the complete test report. Congratulations to Sigrid and Shea! Sigrid's website link can be found in the lefthand menu on this blog. If you visit, you can click on tracking to see the titles she and her "puppy owners" have accumulated.

I started to track shortly after Sigrid and was at the test in Winnipeg in 1990 when Heide passed to earn her TD. A year later my Hawk, Heide's son, also earned his TD! That was the beginning of a great journey for me and I owe Sigrid a thank you for her encouragement and for all the times we shared on the fields, like two crazy people in the rain, sun, wind and snow.

I have had four GSDs from Sigrid - Hawk TDX, BIS Robin TDX (in the days before urban), Thorn TD and River TDX UTD and still tracking! All wonderful trackers and unbeatable companions. Through them I learned to love GSDs and could never be without one. I know, some people just don't get shepherd people - you have to have one!

Thanks Sigrid! You have passed your love for tracking and the working GSD on to many people like me. Thanks to Karen Boyes (test secretary) for passing this photo on to me for the blog.

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