
Yesterday I hosted my first Bark-Be-Que. Basically, it's a food-fest for the people and a fun-fest for the pooches.

I have several newer clients with young dogs who live in the area and the Bark-Be-Que was a great way for everyone to meet and for their dogs to socialize.

We had a great time and the dogs had a blast!

The first picture is Heidi with my BC Spot and her Aussie Dylan.

My property is divided into two fenced sections, the wooded area near the house and down a short path there is a gate that leads to a wide open pasture with an area of spring wetlands in one small corner. 

I mentioned the water area because you'll notice that in the second picture Kona, the Golden Retriever, LOVED that area and took time for a mud facial and natural bath in the tall grass!

In our third picture we have Burton, Dan's Chocolate Lab running with Dylan.

There are more pictures up on my facebook page so feel free to visit there as well.

It was a great time and I'll definitely be hosting another Bark-Be-Que later this summer. What a fun way to spend an evening, hanging out with great people and super pups!

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