Home > Border collie > Border Collie Walk and ball update
Border Collie Walk and ball update
Posted on Saturday, September 26, 2009 by Canine Dog Training USA
My friend Penny and I walked the Border Collies at Three Mile Bend last Sunday and I got some great shots!
Three Mile Bend is a phenomenal dog park...huge, with tons of places to swim. Penny has the boomerang, and the dogs are "staring" and waiting for her to throw it! From left to right are Duncan, Jet, Brock, Ted (foreground) and Ruby. Jet and Ted are mine. And yes, we can tell them apart.
My little "Otter" Jet brings it back while everyone waits to pounce on shore, including someone's Bernese puppy.
I didn't get a photo but Penny's boy Brock has so much style, he could be a dock-jumping dog! However, he was wooing Jet on the whole walk, so in gentlemanly fashion, "let" her retrieve the toy. Here is Brock flirting with an unreceptive Jet. He thought it was the best walk ever! Jet thinks he is an idiot (that is what Jet thinks of everyone, nothing personal).
"Lie Down! Autumn Pathway. We can't resist practicing our herding commands and they are handy on the walk. Remember in "Border Collie language" it can mean to stand or lie down, but does mean stop. It's all in the tone.
"Buddy" the Great Dane stops by. He looks like one of the Moose I hear frequent the Bend in the mornings and evenings! But, a friendly guy. Notice Jet looking away. She thinks he is an idiot.
My dogs have Balls!!! Back home - ball update. I now am the proud owner of four dogs and four Giggle Balls. Ladies' sizes and boy - size. I just can't believe how River plays with her own ball. In nine years I have not seen her so enchanted with a toy! I might even bring it tracking!
Category Article Border collie
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