Class Course - Sept 2&3, 2009

This week's course was inspired by a challenging exercise I'd been asked to do about 5 years ago.

The sequence I'm referring to is the 6 jumps in the middle of the course that are set up in 2 straight lines. Seems simple, right? : ) Yeah, those who know me know better than that!

Well, I decided to add a bit of additional excitement to this challenge by turning this into a strict jumpers course. By taking out the weaves and using just jumps and a tunnel, this turned into a very fast paced course where everyone needs to be on their toes to be timely - even if their dog isn't the most speedy pup out there.

Another benefit of having a fast paced course is it forces handlers to work on distance. Distance makes for some unique challenges as timeliness and communication are even more important! In this case, body language after the tunnel were key...come to class and I'll be more specific

This is a fun course and the middle challenge certainly is enhanced with the speed. Give it a try and enjoy!

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