Petie the Norwich Terrier and Sonny the English Cocker at the Tracking Seminar

Petie is a Norwich Terrier and Sonny is a field bred English Cocker. They were the two smallest dogs in the class. Here is a shot of Petie, Sonny, and Lynda with Cavall, while we were talking about article indications at the seminar. It looks sunny out, but note the winter jackets and toques!

Below is Charity with Sonny on day one, doing a footstep track with bait.
And here is Sonny on day two. By this time he had done a few short, baited tracks. Notice how he is already going out ahead a bit! He is very thoughtful and focused in his work, and on a nice loose line as he moves out on his own.
And below is Petie on day one...he might be a small guy, but he is so game and worked as tirelessly and with as much drive as the big boys!
And on day two, he did a dirt track and filled up on treats! Tracking on dirt is much like tracking in the snow, because beginning handlers can see their tracks. It helps immensely with handling skills and confidence in the beginning and this fresh dirt has a lot of scent.
I thought I took a close-up shot of his harness but I can't find it. It was blue with yellow dog bones on it. Very stylish! These were both neat dogs to watch and they were very similar in their working styles.

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