Spring Cleaning, gearing up to do some serious writing

I've been spring cleaning and getting ready for summer sun! Last week I decided to move my dining table over by the French Doors to take advantage of the sun and have a view. This let me move my couch back a bit and suddenly the room feels so airy! Now that I have attended the writer's conference in San Francisco, I am gearing up for some serious writing and this feels like a nice set-up for that.

I've also removed the carpets and changed to lighter colours, replacing the winter "Morroco" orange and purple look to colours inspired by my new IKEA pillows (you can see one on the couch). They are embroidered in primary red, green and blue, and look like something my Grandma would have had. The little blanket on the floor will have to do for now. My neighbour brought it home from Mexico for me! I apologize for the cluttered counter - I am home today so it has my thermos of coffee and computer up there. I have wireless now, so can put my computer anywhere I want. It is fantastic! Doesn't River look cozy on the couch? She approves of the set up too.

Before shots: this is a nice arrangement too, but it is nice to see out my doors at this time of year, and be right next to my back deck. Now I need to buy a BBQ!

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