More on Running

I've been running on a treadmill all winter and this spring took it outside. Yesterday I did 2.5 Km in 15 minutes. Today I was a little slower, at 17 minutes. But I swear 1 minute was spent on short pee break for the dogs! Caden and Jet are awesome running buddies.

Before my run, I took River and Ted for a 1 K walk, which took 20 minutes! It was a warm-up for my run.

Here are River and Ted at Tranquility Park in Penhold. My house is in those tall evergreens in the background. It's a cute little town and I can basically walk / run from one end to the other in very short time!

This is not only good for me, but it is awesome for the dogs to get out like this. Soon, I will get out my bike and bike the border collies in the morning, then run with Caden at night. If the snow ever goes...

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