Running changes in a month, good! Snow changes in a month, NOT

Ran 2 loops of 2.5 k today in 30 minutes! It helps to have Caden pulling me...

On March 18 I took pics as I ran with the dogs. Today, a month later, I took pics in the same location - not much difference in the amount of snow! The ONLY difference is that I ran twice as fast - doing my route in 15 minutes instead of 30, so had to double it! Awesome.

Snow on April 17 has not changed much from March 18 - see below...
Caden and Jet are great running dogs and not only is this good for me - it is good for them too.

Run on March 18 - 2.5 k in 30 minutes

Same amount of snow as I saw in this spot today...

 BUT, we did NOT go past the fence wolves today. That was at least a 5 minute stop as they dogs figured out they were indeed, fake. I avoided it today and changed my route to avoid the distraction.

River and Ted also went for a run-walk. She was so excited! Ted keeps her company - they are like an old married couple, they are both so good natured and easy to handle and take anywhere (unlike, dare I say, the above two dogs who are my more intense working dogs).  

River and Ted on the front steps of my little church house

River did great for 11 but is fast asleep now. I hope that when I am "77" years old, I will still go for a fast walk or run like River did today.

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