THIS is what happy Border Collies look like... Calvin Jones Clinic pics and slideshow

THIS is what a happy Border Collie looks like. Jet, working sheep, at the Calvin Jones Clinic
- photo thanks to Nancy Thornton
And Happy Happy Ted too, photo by Nancy Thornton
And here is me with my Ted Dog, out in the field by the road
Thanks to Wendy for taking this picture! It is on her blog - Aspatria Kennels - linked to mine
Along with a ton of other pictures

Here is a slideshow made by Nancy Thornton, who also attended the Calvin Jones Stockdog Clinic. So my dogs Jet and Ted can be seen on this slideshow at 00:53 - 00:57 and again at 3:57 - 4:17. I have also copied the photos into this post. Thanks so much to Nancy for taking these. I am near tears seeing them. This is what my dogs were meant to do - as much as they are good at tracking. I was so proud of them both. And I so enjoyed seeing the other dogs blossom and show their stuff under Calvin's tutelage.

Today, I went for a Judging Clinic and had the most amazing day learning about the judge's perspective, and how runs are scored. It really helps as a trialer to have this insight. And Calvin Jones did a great job of educating us plus we all 'scored' runs done by Wendy Schmalz and Chris Jobe - Open and Pro-Novice, to see how our scores compare to what Calvin saw. Wendy and Chris threw in some tricky bits to test our powers of observation.

Ted working sheep at the clinic. He is such a nice dog to work. I adore him! Photo by Nancy Thornton

As a Tracking Judge (new) I couldn't help but think about tracking too. So much of it applied - and I think it would be a fantastic idea to have this kind of clinic for both trialers and judges - and prospective judges. It's one thing to train and compete, and another entirely to have the eagle eyes, the power to make decisions that affect if a run qualifies or not - and having the knowledge, integrity and determination to make that decision - and stick with it. It is not an easy job but if you have a passion for the sport, you will have a passion for GOOD, fair courses and good, fair, consistent judging.

Jet at work - photo by Nancy Thornton

There is nothing like spending a weekend with like-minded enthusiasts - even if we endured heat (I have a sunburn), hail, and wind in the space of 3 days. I go back tomorrow for private lessons with Calvin - then hope to get out and practice somewhere with Jet and Ted, and actually enter a trial.

Jet lie down - Nancy Thornton photo

Ted lie down - Nancy Thornton photo
I admit to getting a little teary-eyed looking at these and thinking about the weekend. I felt I was well on my way a few years ago when some major life changes happened. It's taken a bit to get my feet under me and this clinic marks a return to my journey with the Border Collies. It felt so wonderful. I am sad about the years that have passed, but still very proud of them both and at ages 5 (Jet) and 6 (Ted) they have a lot of go for trialing and I can learn a lot with them... until the new puppy comes along (already named, but have no idea when it will be here - it's just a dream for now).
Jet - I promise you more of this...
Me and Jet with Calvin Jones
Private lessons tomorrow - then - finding a place to practice and finding me a trial to enter...

For more - check Wendy's Aspatria Blog (in the sidebar menu of my blog...)

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