Myna the tree-climbing Australian Shepherd!

I just had to put this on my blog when I received it from my friend Ellie. This is her Aussie Myna climbing a tree!! Myna is a Tucker Creek Aussie (see link in the sidebar menu), related to new TCH "Jasper" and Penny TDX (and multiple other titles) owned by Karen Boyes. These are working aussies and very driven, as you can see. Myna did some goose patrol work last year, and is also a beginner tracking dog. If you are interested in tracking with Australian Shepherds, please check the sidebar menu and click on tracking test results, for more information about Karen's achievements with Jasper and Penny, and Margaret's TD with Drake in 2008!!

Ellie writes:

"Myna is very birdy!! She takes off from the deck and gets a running start at the tree, and starts to climb....She's pretty funny........I guess she thinks she can scare the birds away, and squirrels too:-) I've seen her climb higher, but she only went this far tonight when I caught her with the camera...

Thanks Ellie, for sharing this great photo and story!

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