River's Prayer

A few days ago I wrote about our everyday routines here at home. Here is one more: Each night, I bring the dogs to bed and they each get a "night time cookie" in their own special spots. From the time River was a puppy, I would toss her cookie on the bed. But she never jumps right up on the bed for the cookie. She always just puts her front half on the bed and eats her cookie that way. After she eats her cookie, she stays like that for a few moments. I think she is waiting just in case I throw another one. However, it looks like she is saying her evening prayers!

Every night, when River does this, I join her in our little prayer and we say "Thank you God, for another good day."

River might also be praying for bigger, better cookies. I think she is also praying for God to bring her another German Shepherd to be her friend. She loves Shaman and Ted, but misses Thorn terribly. She might also make a note to God that it would be nice if I slept on the puff on the floor once in a while, and let her have the bed. She loves the bed when she has it to herself, but NEVER sleeps on it with me!

Maybe she is saying thanks because we went tracking today, and she did a nice job - or I should say - *I* did a nice job following River - on a blind track!
The way she just hangs on the bed every night is very sweet and is a reminder to me to say thanks to God too. I often remark that my dogs are such good teachers, but they are also good spiritual guides, reminding me to find happiness in everything, and enjoy each day without dwelling on the past or future.

One thing I know for sure...it is a better day every day because of River's friendship!

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