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My own project runway
Posted on Saturday, November 7, 2009 by Canine Dog Training USA
Today I went to the local home improvement store with my sister to pick up some supplies to make a ramp on my front steps. Winter is soon upon us and the addition of the frost and ice in the mornings has made getting back in the house tougher for Missy than it used to be. She can go down our steps fine but going back up them is a challenge so I knew it was time. I started with an 8 foot pre-cut board which made it just the right angle.
I added some cut cross pieces for traction.
Then I added some no slip tape and a cement block for extra stability.
A training session later and Missy was going up like a pro. If I had to do it over I would make it just a little bit wider. Total cost $21.71 which isn't bad. I'm sure it could be done cheaper with different wood.
I may also bolt it to the steps to prevent slippage once my husband gets home and gives me some feedback. (he might not want it attached for plowing reasons) She has suddenly become very touch sensitive and hates being picked up. She lets up know by screaming her displeasure as she skitters away. I don't want to freak her out any more than necessary so hopefully the ramp helps solve that issue. If her coordination gets to bad I also have the option of adding sides so it makes a sort of chute for her. Or I can outfit her with a harness so we can help her balance as needed.
It wasn't a big project but it was an important one. I probably should paint or seal it for longevity but that is a project for another day. I am grateful that today's weather cooperated for me to get this much accomplished.
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