Tooth Fairy Time - Jet's fractured tooth was removed today

There are probably some sheep out there who will be happy to hear that my Jet has one less tooth... Jet had a hard day today! She has spent the evening snoring on my bed. I wonder what the doggie Tooth Fairy will bring her? I know, probably some expensive cans of Evo soft food for a week! I took the above photo this morning. Last week, she damaged her tooth beyond saving by running for a ball so hard she slammed into my fence. It fractured vertically exposing the pulp and nerve. I took her to a dental specialist for dogs in Calgary who explained the tooth was literally dead, with no chance of recovering. If I had left this, she most certainly would have developed an abscess within six months from the bacteria that would come in through the open nerve and pulp. From this view, you can really see what she did to it. Dogs more commonly break their teeth horizontally, but not Jet! She likes to do things her own way.
Check out Jet's purple sutures! My vet did not colour coordinate them with my decor, honest!

So I had the option of saving it at the base and doing a root canal, or having it pulled for half the price. The root canal is more intensive a surgery, but not as invasive into the jaw. Extraction involves cutting the canine sideways out of the jaw because it has such a deep root. Jet's jaw will fill in and she will be fine. While she was under, my excellent vet, Dr. Ken Hubbard, Cedarwood Clinic in Red Deer, checked for any sign of jaw fracture because of her impact but saw no cause for alarm, thankfully.
I just hate leaving a dog at the vet, and I was so happy to pick her up after work. She was full of spunk from the clinic to the car, and when she first arrived home, ran around the yard and showed just how tough she is - putting on a brave front. But I knew better. I blocked her in the bedroom where she initially made a point of being unhappy about being separated. When I checked in on her a few minutes later, her big sulk was fading as she was literally FALLING ASLEEP in this sitting position! She always sticks out her tongue when she falls asleep. Maybe it will happen more, now that she is missing one tooth.

Jet has improved immensely in the past year overcoming her temper and temptation! But I think if sheep had a chatgroup, there would be a thread right now about how to get more dogs to run into fences and shatter their canines!

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