The Ball Saga (subtitle, life with the Border Collies)...

This is what I see a lot when I work on my computer...Ted uses the couch as a stage to get my attention. Pierce Brosnan was on Ellen and that is a lot to compete with, but Ted was up to it with his Giggle Ball!

I got a camera to take some pictures today. He is such a ham! Look at his smile...when I got Ted he didn't understand balls and couldn't figure out why I would throw one at him. Now he is toy crazy!
Suddenly he looked usual, I was just clicking away not orchestrating what would happen next...
Jet, who was chewing a bone, couldn't stand it and swooped in. If you saw my Friday Flashback last week, you will know Jet thinks she must have everything...I tried to get a shot and just got this blurry one...
But here is the result of Jet's offensive tackle...
Poor Ted! He has stepped into Thorn's big shoes, as the kindest dog in the house...
Jet left to get her bone, then put on such a show of having both.

Look at her smug face - she says this is how it SHOULD BE in Jet's world...
Horrible girl...but I love her so...
Still, I have to maintain some semblance of alpha around here, so I took both the bone and the ball. I felt so powerful! I love these dogs, they are so smart, they constantly make me laugh. Here is our last shot...
Funny I just noticed the Tylenol ad on TV. It is like a subtle message that when you live with these dogs, you may want to consider medication, LOL (no, not really!)

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