Welcome to Hawaii - Yes There is Agility Here Too!

Seriously, I'm not even going to pretend that this post has anything to do with dogs...

Oh wait, except that we're in Hawaii because Dan is here to judge Agility, so see, I was able to make this dog related! 

Dan doesn't judge until Saturday so I won't have anything to share until then, but I do promise to upload a course or two and to let you know what Agility is like here in Hawaii.

Onto the fun stuff...the pictures attached are taken from our hotel room 12 stories up. We have a beautiful view of both the Waikiki Beach (a block away) and of Diamond Head, which is straight out our balcony. An added bonus is that we're right across the street from the zoo which we plan to walk through during our visit.

While the flight over is long and boring (6 hours), once we landed and stepped out into the sun and warmth, it's impossible not to be grateful to be here. At 11 p.m. (2 a.m. at home) it's well past bedtime and we have all of the windows and doors open so that we can enjoy the tropical breeze. This trip is doing wonders for my 'cold', which I'm now more convinced than ever is allergy related. Mainly because I'm feeling better and better with little coughing, sneezing and stuffiness. I'm so glad we've got 5 days here in paradise! Mentally and physically, I needed this trip more than I realized.

Speaking of trip, I had a ton of time to sit and think while on the plane. Ah yeah, most of it did have to do with Agility. While I was able to finally finish off some tough courses (due to odd sized rings), I've been giving a TON of continued thought to the basics of my Agility program. Specifically, getting it down on paper.

With that goal in mind, I'd like to invite you to look forward to more exercise/instructional diagrams. Not only are they great for my students to use as reference material, but it is wonderful for organizing my non-stop thought process!

As always, I do miss my puppies. : )

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