Mapping your day, changing your thoughts - great video with applications to dog training and life!

This morning I ran across this video by accident. I have been following Jorge Cruise's "diet" (lifestyle, really) and can't say enough good about it. You can check it out for youself, - great advice and videos on this site. And Wayne Dyer is another mentor in my life, whom I have written about in past blog posts as I love how his ideas apply to everything in life, including dog training.

I am very intrigued by this video because it covers the ideas of having NO EXCUSES for the things you need to do to accomplish your goals - whether that is weight loss, exercise, dog training or other things. I like how Jorge Cruise asks Dr. Wayne Dyer to boil things down into a series of steps to map out your day. What are the things you NEED to do every day to move forward or stay in the zone?

In addition, Wayne Dyer talks about the importance of your thoughts and your subconscious to your own success. How many of us spend the last five minutes of the day ruminating about negative things? Wrong! Since I read Excuses be Gone, I have been practicing this - in the last five minutes before falling asleep, think and feel positives about what is in your life or where you are hoping to go next.

Enough of my babbling...I recommend you let this load up (it is 6 minutes) and watch the video - then think about how some of these ideas can help you with your own life goals, including and maybe especially how a map of your day and positive thoughts can be applied to help achieve your goals.

No, you don't have to do Yoga. But what do you need to do? I need to simplify a little and make time for the important things - obedience practice, tracking, working sheep - maybe a map of the week would work, so that I make time for these things and have no excuses to check off my list. I need to fit in the personal stuff too, and don't forget some quiet time to think or journal, as Dr. Dyer points out.

For a couple of years now I have been reading and practicing the ideas of Dr. Wayne Dyer. I saw him speak at a conference in Toronto last year. He is called the father of positive thinking but more than that, he walks the talk about living a life of peace and happiness.

I KNOW, I am sounding like one of those San Francisco hippies now, but there is something to be said for mapping out your day so that it is productive and you achieve those things that are important in your life. Life is short. It is important to enjoy it, and of course, learn from your dogs and enjoy the present moments.

If you can take care of each moment as it comes along, the future will take care of itself.

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