Caden at SchH yesterday, little pieces coming together

Yesterday I started to feel like things are coming together a bit. Caden's obedience is coming along. I have to learn to use better body language. Did some down stays by the blinds with success! Kept them short. Protection felt so good! Dan Waters held the long line, but I was responsible for corrections as Wade put us through our paces. We stopped so Caden was on an angle to John and facing him *the helper* so Caden had to CHOOSE to look into my eyes in Fuss position and not look forward. He learned that looking into my eyes was "the button for go!" (that was how Wade put it). Dan checked him on the bark and hold. Then I ran him in a couple of circles and platzed him, to take the sleeve to John. Caden held his platz every time, then did a SIT when I returned. I felt pretty happy today! Wade or Melissa took this shot. Caden is looking so mature! I am very lucky to be part of such a great club! (GSD SchH Club of Calgary).

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