Easter Blessings also go to...

Scott and Jenny Glen! ...whose dog Ted (mine since 07) sees nail clippers... and does this...

Yes, he actually holds his paws in the air to have his nails clipped.

And he shows me his toothy grin when I brush him too... he actually bares his teeth and smiles!
I think I heard that his daddy Pleat does the same thing.

After coming home from being trained a couple of years ago, Jet did the same. What a great bonus! Jet actually fell asleep as I brushed her. It was really cute.

Shhhh... someone is sleeping...

And River had her Spring Bonsai today. It was so warm in the sun, what a nice way to spend a few hours.

And more Easter Blessings to my friend Pam who had me over this morning for coffee and to walk the fields with the dogs. She has a beautiful GSD named Sting and a Mini Schnauzer Dixie. Sting reminds me so much of my first GSD Hawk. Pam and Jerry are letting me use their place for a tracking clinic - so we checked the fields out today. They are still snow-covered but it will go quickly now, I think.

River and Jet had a great time running and stretching their legs.

Pam with Sting

Ted rolling in the snow - goofy boy! He says he will miss the snow, LOL
Even Dixie is looking at him as if to say, geez Ted, are you always that happy?
(yes, he is)

Where is Caden you ask? Well he went for a great walk too - but I forgot the camera! But later we tracked, and I will post the video of his track later. Don't worry - Caden had a good day too (Sandy, I know you are wondering! - He had a great run loose in the field!)

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