Special correspondent Ted: The Lesson

Ted thinks he is ready to resume writing about his experiences, so I have let him post his point of view, to counter mine (about the lesson yesterday) below.


So I get out of the car (finally) and we walk right by this pen with sheep! I can't stop looking at them. Donna takes me into another field, and she is clearly facing the wrong way. I keep trying to say - there they are, behind you. I am twitching to go, but trying to figure out the fence between us. I figure I can get over it, with enough running room.

Donna keeps walking forward, what is she doing? Then, I see more sheep! Way up there. I'm off! I guess I went too fast. Oops. Here comes Scott. I guess that is the end of my creative herding streak. No one appreciates artists.

What? Walk? Crap! I am an athlete. I run like the wind. What? Walk? If I must. OK, I'm walking, I'm walking. Those sheep are leaning a little. Away? Great! That fixed them. In fact what would really fix them is if I ran to the front to stop them. What? WALK MORE? What is with all this walking. It is cramping my style. They are leaning again...Come Bye? OK, and thanks for that!

Hey, I think I am getting it. I feel in control. Look at those sheep. They are listening to ME. I am the MAN. I am a herding machine. This is great! Walking is great!

What? That'll do? How do they know? But I run back. I get a pat from Scott. It's great to see him. I walk out with Donna, back past those other sheep. I pull on my leash. Hey, maybe we could go walk those ones around too! I need to master the walk!

What? In the car? Hey, what are you doing with Jet? What? OK, while she is gone, I will have a drink, and then, I will rip up an old grocery bag, since that is another thing I am very good at.

The highlight of the day...we stopped at Airdrie to drive through Tim Horton's. Clearly these people know I am special. I've never been to this Tim's but they gave me a timbit. My picture must be hanging up by the drive-through window.

What a great day!
Ted, Special Correspondent

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