Maui. From Nowhere to Now Here.

I am posting a quick note from the Hula Grill on the beach in Maui Hawaii! I have a house sitter for River and my other dogs are farmed out. And I am enjoying my very first ever beach holiday!

I'm here because I signed up last winter for a Weekend retreat with my guru Dr. Wayne Dyer. He is 70 and has leukemia (which is miraculously resolving thru diet and I'm sure prayers from around the world). I decided I'd better save my sheckles to see him as he keeps saying he may not continue.

I was also lucky to have so many airmiles from moving to Alberta. So here I am on the beach! Sorry but can't upload photos using my iPhone. Stay tuned.

Day one with Wayne was awesome and I have a photo with him hugging me! I credit him for helping me through some tough stuff...a regular dark night of the soul from losing my Mom to my own Cancer to my marriage ending and the big move west.

I can't emphasize enough how happy I am. Sometimes I feel like I've never known what happy is! I love Alberta and my friends who are like family to me. I've some special friends in my life. I'm healthy and losing weight. I've even been kissed like I've never been kissed before. I'm saying all this because I want everyone to know that life has so many possibilities.

I know that God has been guiding me. I am very thankful for everything that has brought me to this point in my life. Even the hard stuff.

As Dr. Dyer says... I've come from Nowhere to Now. Here.

Maui is beautiful and healing! But my next big trip will be to Ireland. For more than Van Morrison !! My goodness karma is a wonderful thing.

Namaste and Aloha!

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