Home > herding training > Indoor herding - sheep, border collies and friends on New Year's Day
Indoor herding - sheep, border collies and friends on New Year's Day
Posted on Thursday, January 1, 2009 by Canine Dog Training USA
There's my Honda Element parked in front. The photo below is Randy's big arena, which is two storeys high. Today there were 6 people working their dogs, which made for a great get-together.
So when you are in this building, you enter the double doors which lead to the arena. If you turn right, you head up the stairs to one area where you can stand and look over the arena, or keep heading up to a coffee room and bathroom. It is "heated" (we were comfortable but still kept our jackets on). How great is this? We all sat and watched each person train. Those sheep in the window were being moved about by Penny's Brock.
In a way, this is great because you can't hear the comments as you work. However, when I worked Ted and Jet - they did well but my handling needed some improvement (I am never hard enough and my dogs walk all over me, which I will improve!). Louanne and Penny stood on the stairs and hollered helpful comments which helped my sessions a lot!
I added another goal to my list of things to do this year - learn to whistle!
Category Article Border collie, herding training
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