Schutzhund Tracking Bootcamp

Ted and Jet watch from a haybale as Dan Waters helps me with Caden's SchH style tracking. I can't ask for better help! I am very excited. Today we have a mock trial at the club. Then, I am treating myself to some Donna time for part of the day. Below are some pics from tracking yesterday. Can you imagine that I found the one person in Red Deer who tracks MORE than I do? LOL. Awesome. This is a mix of morning and evening shots, sorry about the lighting but it was raining last night - WHAT ELSE is new in Alberta this summer?

So I tracked Caden, and then later, Dan also tracked him to show me what he wants. We are working on Caden's nose down behaviour into every footstep. After all these years of CKC tracking, what I think is great, isn't as good as Caden is capable of doing so we're upping the bar. It's great learning for me.

Jet and Ted are so funny. Jet was ticked off (of course)...she forgot that she did a track earlier in the day too. Or maybe she thinks she should be teaching Caden a few things. That's just the way Jet is.
Above, Jet expressing her opinion about all this fuss...
and below, Caden expressing his...he likes when it is all about him!

Dan throws a ball for him after tracking is done (we also tracked Dan's dogs and Jet)...I can't throw, so Dan does it!

How lucky and blessed I am to have found Dan and Susan here in Red Deer (because Susan fed us the most amazing meals yesterday in their beautiful new house with all this land!).

Don't feel too bad for Jet, Ted and River. This morning they go for a long walk before I drive out to Calgary for Schutzhund. That is our Sunday routine.

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