Friday Flashback

I love reading my friend's blogs, and I admire Jenny Glen's restraint over on Alta-Pete Farm Tails when she posts her Minimal Mondays. Since I am usually on the run on Fridays, I decided to start Friday Flashbacks. In the past few weeks I have been scanning and uploading old photos for a writing project. So I will bring out a photo or two every Friday on the blog! Today we start with Jet, who was a wee pup in Winter 05-06...WHO could not love this puppy? Which of course, she banked on!
But as small as she is, I want you to notice just who is surrounded by all of the toys! Partly that is because Thorn was simply such a kind dog...

I love this shot, she looks like s stuffed toy...but check out the look on that puppy's face...I didn't know then, but I know it well now!

And here are Jet and Shaman playing. Shaman absolutely loved Jet. Shaman was my first tri-colour. I don't go by colour, but after having Shaman, it is now my favourite colour for a collie, Rough or Border Collie...

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