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My year-round summer home
Posted on Saturday, July 24, 2010 by Canine Dog Training USA
I always keep in mind the beautiful homes in Duluth Minnesota on this sand spit beyond the famous Lift Bridge. I loved driving along there and looking at the houses and always dreamed of having a house I could fix up to look like a "year round" summer home. Since buying this house I have put in fencing, a driveway, gardens and walkways. It has been a ton of work but so much fun. I have more to do, but love the progress.
I had another huge load of gravel delivered yesterday to beef up the backyard area for the dogs. They pounded last years down a bit, and I realized I needed to make the area below the deck wider. I spent a big part of the day today sitting out back reading and writing and enjoying the new area. Here are pics - a lot - I apologize, and I honestly edited a lot out (they are on my Facebook profile though, LOL).
Peaceful backyard in my renovated church-house
I have never enjoyed looking after a yard so much. I love this house! I am still looking for a place for sheep, land or an acreage. In the meantime, this is a wonderful little home and I am very thankful for such a nice place to live.
I had another huge load of gravel delivered yesterday to beef up the backyard area for the dogs. They pounded last years down a bit, and I realized I needed to make the area below the deck wider. I spent a big part of the day today sitting out back reading and writing and enjoying the new area. Here are pics - a lot - I apologize, and I honestly edited a lot out (they are on my Facebook profile though, LOL).
Peaceful backyard in my renovated church-house
New gravel area...I am on the lookout now for rocks and stepping stones to boost up that barrier and make it look more like a Japanese dry river with a bridge.
Still coming up with more ideas for this grass area. It is always shady for the dogs. I am contemplating a real pond somewhere.
River enjoys the shade. Here you can see my two dogruns, the long one for Jet and Ted, and the square one by the crook of the house is for River and Caden. That area sticking out is the old church entrance or vestibule and it has the original stained glass. I love it. And, there is a walk-out basement into this dog area. I put chainlink in to divide areas, and so I can sit on the back deck sometimes without dogs, or with only one or two.
River and my little fountain. Love the water sound.
Caden with two balls (haha, maybe I should say four including, well, you know) by my St. Francis statue, which I thought was appropriate for my yard.
This old chime used to hang by my front door in Thunder Bay. It is a small piece of home and does my heart good to hear it. I finally hung it up today!
Jet and Ted on the back steps. Under the steps are Jet's igloo where she hids from the big dogs with her treasures, and Ted's hole. I put a bit of gravel there, but did not fill it in - he worked hard to make it!
Jet and Ted love this little pond liner. I am thinking of getting something bigger and deeper though that the dogs can actually swim a bit in. I saw a stock tank with a pond connector and hose for draining, and stairs to get in - that I just love!
This is my Buddha corner on the deck, and below you can see the dogs. This plaque says Peace Begins with a Smile.
River loves to lie in the shade up here. You can see my other Buddha in the corner.
I TRY to sit in the sun up here in the mornings. You can see why I put chain link and gates below - because if I don't block dogs off, all I do is chuck balls into the yard, OVER and OVER...as you see, Jet is very hopeful...and you can see Caden below with his ball rooting me on to throw one for Jet!
Here are my front step statues - you know, some people have lions. Check out River and Ted's ears. They are up and down but on opposite sides! I plan to paint these doors dark forest green to match the green glass in the blown stucco on the church house.
Here is the front view. The driveway was put in last fall. I love it, and I love my dog trailer too. It has changed everything, the dogs are cool and my car is not full of stuff! They still ride in the car, but I put them in the trailer when I get somewhere. No more hunting for shade. I plan to put an arbor at the end of my sidewalk with some roses on either side, eventually - maybe when they go on sale late this summer.
Here is my shade garden and little laughing face. I put in astilbes, bleeding heart, virginia creeper, snap dragons, geranium and daisies. Then I put cedar mulch down to hold moisture as it is so dry here (usually).
I also put stepping stones down, which you can make out in the grass as River and Ted model for me.
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