The Many Faces of Jet

Jet is such an amazing dog to live with. I don't know if all border collies are this expressive, but I find that her facial expressions are so clear and can change in a flash. There is no question if she is smiling or giving "a look" to another dog in the house. Even her eyes seem to go from sweet brown to evil black in an instant! Here are a few pictures I have gathered to make my case...

Above: This is Pretty Jet, who feels very special in her Canada Day Bandana. She knows she is posing for the camera.

This is her "I am pissed off and you are an idiot" look. She knows she is posing, but she feels stupid and wants to make it clear.

I think this is one of my favourite pictures of her. This is Jet's "never give up" picture. I took this in Minnesota, where she is retrieving a stick in Lake Superior which is wavy and cold. To me, this epitomizes Jet's work ethic and strong-minded character.

This is Jet's happy face and focus when she is working sheep. Big wide smile and tongue hanging out. Thanks to Jenny Glen for this shot, and the one below...where she is looking a bit more intent...

Below: Here is her article indication, where she puts her chin on the article (here a small piece of rug). She remains stock still until I tell her good girl. Tracking is very serious business...

But when you pass your test... can smile...I love this shot of Jet smiling as I hug her after she passes her first tracking test (the only one to pass that day, too!) Thanks to Karen Boyes for this one.

Above: Jet's goofy face as she presents her toy to me, alongside her buddy Caden and his toy

And her evil, guarding face as she says to her buddy Caden "don't you touch my bed!"

This is her innocent face when she falls asleep at my feet...she brings this bed everywhere and lies on it, like a Linus blanket

This is Jet lying on the couch with me. You can't see her face, but I love it when she is affectionate like this and want you to see she does have a sweet side!

And finally...her newest look...

Jet after her tooth has been removed - that tongue used to poke out a little and now, when she falls fast asleep it just lolls right out there...but she is still my pretty girl. I love this dog. Don't tell her I posted this photo though as she will make me pay!

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