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Portraits - Sisters and Dogs and Other Stuff
Posted on Sunday, January 3, 2010 by Canine Dog Training USA
Where did the time go? Lori leaves in the morning after a 12-day visit. We had such a blast! Today we asked a total stranger to take our picture in front of the ice sculptures at Parkland Garden Centre. Well, all of my clothes are getting too big, what a horrible problem, I guess I will have to do some sale shopping! My coat and pants are so baggy here, yeesh! My sister looks great, I am so proud of her.
Yesterday we did a circle trip, from Penhold to Olds - Sundre - Caroline - Rocky Mountain House - Sylvan Lake - Red Deer. What a gorgeous drive and we had a sunny day for it. Here is Lori posing on the highway going west to the mountains with a great barn in behind.
And that's me. I shouldn't be using up all these shots of me, as Lori is leaving and soon I will be anonymous again!
Here is that gorgeous barn, just between Olds and Sundre.
Part of the drive was along "The Cowboy Trail" and we saw some great scenery - mountains to the west, and lots of horses, as this is real horse country. The forests along Highway 22 reminded us of northwestern Ontario. We kept saying we felt like "Wabigoon" was around the corner!
Today, Lori took these shots of me with the dogs...River and Caden...
...and Jet and Ted! Ted was so mushy, we could not get a serious shot! As usual Jet bemoans the fact that her life is full of idiots!
While on our drive, we passed an Antique shop in Olds called Curios. It has been open for 30 years and is closing due to retirement of the owners. What a great store! It is an illness, I think, but I bought TWO collie figurines. I have such a collection and have never seen this one. The figurines were 60% off, so a very good price! I may not currently have a Rough Collie, but they are a dog of my heart and soul and so beautiful. I guess it is why I had to buy this for now! The conformation of this figurine is very nice. It has a stamp but I don't know the maker. My flash sort of washed it out a bit here.
PLUS I got this miniature Royal Doulton, below. The big one in behind is one I already own.
I know some of you out there will relate! I am packaging up a lot of my old dog figurines for sale on E-Bay and have selected my favourites to keep, in the interests of simplifying. It was hard, after collecting them for years, but the ones I am keeping I just LOVE!
My sister also found some treasures and is going home with packed bags! I will really miss having her here. Anyhow, that is just a bit of a catch-up post. I've been like a tourist while Lori has been here, and it has been so fun to have her here for Christmas and New Year's. After she leaves, life will be back to "normal" whatever that is around here!
Category Article Commentary, Rough Collie
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