Art for the Animals Auction

I can't believe how far I am behind the 8-ball this year. I almost forgot to mention the Art for the Animals Auction at Watts Hall in Thomaston. (Maine) Going on NOW. This weekend. Check out this link for the online catalog.

It is one of the best fund raisers of the year for the shelter. They have all sorts of things to bid on, from jewelry, to paintings, to rugs, books, and even gift certificates. Literally something for everyone in all price points. If you can, get on over to check it out or view and bid online. One of our big ticket items this year is a signed Jamie Wyeth print. (Seven Deadly Sins ~ Pride seen below) The necklace shown above is by one of our own local jewelers. (By George)

It is a great way to support the shelter and get something really cool for yourself or pick up a gift for a special friend. So Bid! Bid! Bid!

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