SCAT - 8/9/09 Course Maps

Coming into Sunday, Dan and I were focused on keeping the trial going so folks would easily be able to get home for dinner : ) Besides, we wanted to see each dog RUN and not be tired from hanging out in the sun all day!

Today I had the honor of judging Excellent Standard (as well as Novice & Open FAST & JWW).

The first surprise for several handlers was #2 to #3. Specifically, dogs were going off course to the #4 jump. Also, some dogs landed after the tire heading to the right, toward the table instead of to the left and toward the #4 jump.

The off course tunnel after #7 didn't attract many dogs, however the off course #13 jump did get a few. The more difficult part seemed to be getting the #9 jump. Those handlers that left their dog at the a-frame so that they could get ahead to better handle #9 (either a front or a rear cross) seemed to be the most successful overall.

Once through that sequence, the rest of the course came naturally to most teams.

Dan judged Excellent JWW and Excellent FAST, also shown here. As usual, I was judging elsewhere and didn't get to see the courses run. I have to admit, I'm feeling like a broken record every time I say that! LOL

Dan did say it was a fast running course and from the looks of it on paper, I know I would have loved to have run this one! I heard several exhibitors mention how they loved the fast flowing courses and Dan's JWW really looks like he embraced that.

At any rate, we had a wonderful time in Southern California. Beautiful weather, a terrific club, wonderful volunteers and excellent hospitality.

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