Jet watches Westminster

I just caught this photo of Jet sitting on the couch watching the Westminster Dog Show.
She doesn't get it. Where are the sheep? What are they doing?
And I am realizing, she could use a brush. It's a bit embarrassing, LOL. Look at her messy ears!

I love watching Westminster. It is a great competition and a spectacular event. But I am very glad the Border Collie is preserved as a working dog. I see a great split in the German Shepherd Breed these days. It is very sad to see the athletic, working GSDs (like my Caden) on one hand, and the very angled show dogs at the other end.

However, I have owned some of those show line GSDs, and I won't join in with people who rip them apart. I know that they love their owners and have a lot of heart. They've been wonderful dogs for me, and given me a lot in tracking too. Many of these dogs are the victims of selective breeding for looks, and I also know that some of these breeders believe they are doing a great job of preserving the breed - they are not malicious people. I don't know what the answer is. But I love my Caden and his type so much, I am very happy I made the move to a working lines dog. NOT taking away one iota of the love I have felt for every other GSD I've ever owned... be clear on that!

A working lines GSD and a working stockdog are a very nice match in the home, and keep me plenty busy and happy.

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