Observations - Working Jet, my Border Collie in SchH Obedience

As you know I am working Jet, my Border Collie towards a beginners obedience title in SchH because she really needs a job and I have no land or sheep right now. I think she was just excited to work - she is turning out to be quite good and it's a good experience to teach another dog.

Jet is the first Border Collie to earn an Urban Tracking Dog title. This was taken near Lake Superior with her tracking rosette. She is 'showing it' to me - with her article indication.

I am also going to try for her SchH tracking title this year. She's such an amazing little dog. It's sad to not have livestock, but nice to funnel her drive into something that uses her mind.

I may be discovering a breed difference in style of work for SchH. Her attention is a bit unnerving with those Border Collie eyes! She tugs like a SchH dog for a reward and does platz, sit, stand (steh) all very well now, and last night did a long down on a line while other dogs were working.

Last night I also heeled along a wall working on position, and everytime I backed up with her, she growled and muttered but did it very well. I said 'no' and she glared up at me but in beautiful position. I believe it was her excitement to work making her do this, as she was figuring out what I wanted. In part too, I suspect she is a bit surprised to be giving up control to me, as she is a very dominant little dog (I call her the "biggest dog in the house.")

The German Shepherds in the room were a little distracted by this little dog lying there, but she just stared at me during her long down and ignores them all - she has a lot of go and good presence!

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