We can't relax! Jet and I had a busy night...

Tonight has been such a whirlwind! I went to the gym after work - I seem to be living there lately! I've even befriended my trainer, who just got a pup, and lent him a crate today (since I have so many - is there such a thing as too many crates?). So after six weeks of working out with him, tonight I started to attend a Fit Camp he runs with a group of 8 people. For one hour, we did cardio, core and strength exercises. I did "real" push-ups tonight! Military style. And some great yoga. I felt fantastic and a bit wired when I got home. 

Since being home, I've been working on the computer and talking to friends online. My FAVOURITE TV show, Flashpoint, came on so I settled down to watch it. While watching it, it occurred to me - Jet was unusually quiet tonight. So I peered over my writing table and she was very busy guarding every bone in the house - gathered and tucked into her place on the couch. She is like a little wolverine, and everyone gives her a big circle when she is in this mode. It seems like she can't relax either! She is happiest when she has a job to do - even if it is an invented one filled with great importance in her mind.  

I think she was annoyed with me because when I grabbed the camera, I alerted Caden to the fact that she had all of these bones!

But look at that face. Would you try to take one?

That's my girl.

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