Schutzhund Tracking - Training Day for Caden, Siegfried and Jet

Today my tracking friend Gail Klinger and I both went out with Dan Waters for a mini-clinic on footstep tracking. Gail's dog Siegfried (above) is a beautiful and very powerful dog who loves to work! Dan gave both of us some drills then coached us along on our tracks. Afterwards, he did a track with Bronte who is in training, and then ran a THREE HOUR OLD track with his dog Ali vom Daeschael SchH III. Ali nailed the track, laid at 9 AM and run just after 12 Noon - in wind and very hot, dry conditions. Bronte also did a well-aged track in dry conditions and really did well. This sure shows us what we are aiming for when we teach footstep tracking. Great inspiration! Gail videotaped me with Caden, and I videotaped her dog. When I see this, I see that I am hunched over and tense because Caden pulls so hard, and I am not that sure of this style of tracking. I need to straighten up and loosen up!

On the other hand, Caden had a few small transgressions off track but with a verbal "no" came back to it. I put too big of a jackpot at the end of the track, so just before the jackpot you can see him suddenly reef both ways as he smells the dried liver. Next time - smaller jackpot!
Siegfried is a great tracking dog. He has all the drive you want to shape him into a dog you could be confident to follow. He practically crawled for each treat, as he learned to find the treats in the footsteps. As the treats went from every footstep to every 3-5 steps, he continued to show a very nice dedication to the track.

We each ran three tracks, two straight ones and the last one with a gentle turn. As Caden is always over-excited when he starts, this worked really well. We alternated so each dog had a chance to sit and think for 10 minutes after each track. By his third track, Caden was settled enough to focus. Of course, for both of us, learning to be a better handler was the big thing. It seems that when Dan takes the dogs, they do better. It helps to watch his handling and then try to emulate that. Funny afer all these years of tracking to be learning something new and feel like such a beginner.

I did a short track with Jet, who is re-learning to track in the footstep style. I am embarrassed to say that I over-estimated how much to space the treats, and then, forgot where her corner was. SHE had to pull me to the second leg...good girl Jet...bad girl Donna! But doesn't my outfit match Jet nicely? I mean, that is what counts, right?I jumped ahead too soon and learned I should not rush the re-training to be sure Jet understands what I want her to do. Well, I can't beat myself up too much. Just have to remember next training session! And with RIVER, I simply did two scent pads, as I am workng on her start routine.

It was a great training session! Thanks to Dan for taking so much time today with two greenhorns!
Of course, there is always a play session AFTER tracking is finished...Caden above and Siegfried below. Dan has the best throwing arm so he was voted in as the playmeister. Dogs naturally love Dan. The only other person I have seen with the same attraction for dogs is Scott Glen who is one of the top Border Collie trainers and handlers - and who I got Jet and Ted from. I think that dogs sense the confidence and clarity these top level trainers bring to everything and dogs like that. Just ask Cesar Milan!
Jet and Ted. Poor Ted was the only guy not to track today! But he still enjoyed the running afterwards.

River enjoying yet another ball...she is looking great for a nine-year-old, I love her so.

...and a bit of obedience was thrown in too!

What a great way to spend the day, and THANKS to Dan's wife Susan for a delicious lunch and nice hospitality afterwards.

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