Seminar - Stacy Peardot-Goudy 9-10-09 Final Course

Ah....I'm sitting here after another successful seminar with Stacy, thinking about all of the things I've learned.

The beauty part about a seminar is that you learn a lot about your own dog and a ton about others as well. As an instructor, that's invaluable information that I'm able to (and will) share with my students.

On a personal note, as an instructor, I've learned that I'm an intuitive trainer. That means my style is that I can see something, accurately read the situation, know what needs to happen to fix it and can accurately show how to do it. However, my weakness is in the verbal explanation of "Why".

That's where Stacy really does excel and so I never get tired of hearing her thought process. Stacy has perfected her methods and easily makes everyone successful because she is clear, concise and keeps things SIMPLE.

Again, it was a wonderful seminar and I can't wait to host Stacy again in February!

On to another subject, I'm off judging in New Jersey this weekend so look for courses on Saturday & Sunday : )


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