My Dad's new kittens (plural)

My Dad was here for a few weeks, and as you may recall, the plan was for him to take the little boy kitten home.While he was here, the two kittens totally charmed him. They slept on his bed, and showed off for him. When I was at work, they spent all day with him, and as you can see, they liked hanging out with Dad...He fell in love with the two of them, and we agreed it would be sad to separate them. They play with each other and sleep curled together in a little ball. So the two kittens went for a two-day car trip home to Thunder Bay. River and Ted were great with the kittens...even if the kittens ganged up on River at times, trying to figure out how to get her Giggle Ball!I expected Ted to be a good boy - he loves everyone and everything, he is a terrible schmoozer - check out his face here as he sits with my dad...
Jet was "iffy" and as for Caden, in this picture you can see...
...he found them just a bit too stimulating. Can you see him at the french doors? I didn't know he was there until I downloaded the photos!
They are the most amazing, calm and affectionate cats and I cried when they were leaving, but I know they will be very spoiled and they will bring a lot of love into my dad's life. I feel bad sometimes that I have moved so far away so knowing he has these kittens makes me feel a bit better. I cried when my Dad left too...
Caden just loves my Dad and in this picture, he looks like he wants to go with him too!I am sure I could have made it work over time, but it is nice to be able to walk around the house without worrying about closing doors behind me and between the upstairs and downstairs! Dad to the rescue again! Thanks Dad, and thanks kittens and thanks to Nancy Anstruther (Tallywood Collies) for putting these little kittens into our lives.
My Dad reports that they were great travelers, loved the hotel, and have settled in at home nicely. His place was lonely without his cat Barney, who died of old age last year. I hear the two kittens are sleeping on the bed, and greeting my dad at the door when he comes home. The jury is out on names. They were Hanoi and Haiku, then they were Leo and Haiku. The vet here has them down as Simba and Sassy. But my Dad has been calling them Mutt and Jeff since he got home...well, they are his cats now!

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