Ted's Karma

I always say that Ted must have been a bird in his previous life. Sometimes he will leap onto the back of the couch when I am watching TV, and literally be perched on my shoulder! He is so compulsive but always full of joy. He just lands and says "hey! it's Ted!"I had further confirmation of my beliefs when Ted and I went to the Post Office the other night. OK, I admit, he was not on a leash, because he walks right beside me (you border collie people understand that)...and it was later in the evening with no one around. He joyfully ran around one side of the building in the parking lot when I told him to go potty. I opened he glass door and called him in, and Ted RAN STRAIGHT INTO THE DOOR.I always have my little camera in my purse because there is a lot of pressure on bloggers to have images to share, so I was able to collect the evidence.
And what does this remind you of? ABOVE: Ted's fur, BELOW: Bird feathers
I take this as proof that Ted was a raptor in a former life, or maybe a parrot. A Budgie? In any case he earned some kind of karma in that bird life to cause his soul to come back as Ted the Border Collie. I wonder what kind of lesson he is here to learn this time? Maybe, not to run or fly into glass!

Here is another thought...the picture of feathers is from Stock Exchange (a free stock website) and it is called "Angel Feathers" so perhaps that is another possiblity and way to think of my loveable Teddy, or as Scott Glen calls him whenever he sees him -- "Theodore" which means Gift from God. It's actually why I didn't change his name!

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