
I haven't had a chance to write in detail about Rylee and I think I'm now ready to.

Sounds funny, doesn't it? Well, Rylee started off as a client's dog who stayed with me a couple of days a week for Agility training. My rule when working with or training a client's dog is that there is a limit to the emotional attachment I allow myself. I do this out of respect for my own dogs who deserve 100% of my heart because they belong to me and are my family.

Don't get me wrong, I care deeply for my client's dogs and they are treated very, very well at my place. I enjoy working with them and they enjoy working with me.

There was always something special about Rylee and I have always wanted a Terv (what a nice coincidence!). After Nancy officially brought up the prospect of her joining the family permanently, I took time to give it plenty of thought.

Some of the positives were that Rylee fit in so well with my pack of dogs, she is incredibly sweet, has a wonderful work ethic and is well-behaved and pleasantly interactive. My main concern was that I wanted to be sure it was a good permanent fit for HER as well. While I knew she liked it at my place, the question was if she would love it.

My answer came in an unexpected way. I was gone for several days at a judging assignment and was grateful to be home. I knew the dogs would be happy to see me, but was pleasantly surprised to find that Rylee was beyond thrilled as I walk through the door. She cried, she jumped on me, she bathed me in kisses and was plastered to my side for the remainder of the night in happiness. It was clear that she was ready to make the leap and it was the definitive sign I was looking for.

Once Rylee joined the family and was allowed into my heart, our relationship continued to grow and I am getting to know her all over again. I'm happy to say that I'm even more thrilled with her! It's fun to wrestle with her, to have her cuddle next to me, to take her on RV trips with us, to have her join us as we do the RV rounds at trials and to introduce her as our newest family member. I feel like I can be more loving & silly with her and develop a relationship that is beyond the role of trainer - a role I strictly reserve for my own dogs.

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