Time Passages: Spiritdance Group Shots from 1997, 2000 and 2009

What a morning! I started a new project, to organize my old photos in photo boxes, and ended up reminiscing. It is amazing how looking through old photos conjures up memories that seem like yesterday. This morning I have been in deep thought about the passage of time and how my dogs have played such a role in my life, even leading me to Alberta!

I love to take group shots of my dogs. I chose the three photos below to show how time passes - and yet - how things stay the same. Details about these dogs are in the sidebar items, including their full names and titles.

Below: 1997, Thunder Bay. Taken in my front yard. There are three TDX dogs in this picture, and one future TD boy Thorn (sitting). When I look at this photo I can't believe Thorn stayed! He was always such an easy dog and he copied everything Hawk did which was great as Hawk was a wonderful mentor. From left to right are Kate, Hawk, Thorn and Robin.

Hawk and Kate earned their TDXs at the same trial in 1994. I will never forget that day. Hawk was my first tracking dog and I have fond memories of long mornings in fields with that boy. Robin earned her TDX shortly after winning a Best in Show as a Veteran. I have never been able to decide which event made me more proud. Her TDX was under judge Ilene Newman and Ilene plotted a track that went in and out of a grove of poplars, AFTER working our way down a hill. It was a thrilling track.

Hawk is a 10-year old gentleman in this picture. Kate and Robin are both 6 in this photo (before Robin's TDX). Thorn is 12.5 weeks old. I look at his face and remember how in love I was with this puppy - from the first time I saw him in the litter box. I helped to whelp his litter and remember holding him in my hands. He is the only dog I have ever owned that came so close to being like my own baby, knowing him right from the moment he was born, and I know that made him very special.

Below: 2000, Thunder Bay, taken in my back yard. From left to right - Thorn, Baby River, Robin, Shaman and Kate. When I look at this picture, I remember losing Hawk in January of that year when he was 13. River was born in March, a few days before my birthday. She was the most adorable long coated puppy. However, she was very camera-shy. It was all I could do to get her to stay in this photo (unlike Thorn above) and I think she was actually tethered to a tree. Once, when River was a puppy, a local woman who is a 'dog psychic' stopped to pat River at a herding trial and suddenly told me that River wanted me to know that in a former life she was an Indian Princess. Well, that explained her camera - shy behaviour, as we all know the camera can steal your soul. It also gave River her life-long nickname of Princess.

In this photo are a much older Robin and Kate, both aged nine here. Robin lived to be nearly 15 years old! I lost Kate on Remembrance Day of this year, before her time. Kate was the most brilliant tracking dog, literally teaching herself and showing me new ideas. It was because of her that I started to change up some of the standard "Glen Johnson" techniques as she was intolerant of repetition and wanted to see the big picture. Thorn and Shaman both had their TDs but never did get TDXs. Shaman's focus was on herding, where he really excelled, although was also an amazing show dog - and my goodness I am struck by how handsome he is in this photo. Because of Shaman, I was drawn into herding. Thorn's focus was to be my best, best friend. He was simply meant to be my companion, from shortly after my mother's death from Cancer, to shortly before my move to Alberta - like an angel in dog fur.

Below: 2009, Alberta tracking field. From left to right are Caden, River, Ted and Jet. It is hard to believe that the little fuzzball above turned into the beautiful, confident dog below. I remember working so hard with River in puppy obedience classes and at home trying to bring her out of her shell. She has never liked 'pressure' of any kind and has required a very light touch in training. It wasn't until she was four years old that I trained her for TD. Tracking lets a dog be in control, and this was something River enjoyed. No pressure - just me following. She earned her TDX in 2006, flying through it in 13 minutes (mind you, Kate did hers in 11 minutes - still not topped by any of my other dogs!).
This is a photo representing transition and future hopes. In this photo are one UTD (River) a TD (Jet) and two hopefuls, including my first Schutzhund tracker. River is the dog that led me into urban tracking, being my first UTD dog - Urban Tracking Dog - and hopefully will earn her UTDX next. She also marks my transition from conformation to working dogs. And, this picture is in Alberta, my new home. I chose to move here to be closer to Border Collie / stockdog opportunities but am so surprised to find how many new things I am learning about everything, from herding, to tracking to obedience, thanks to new contacts and new friends.

Because of my love for herding, along came Jet in 2005, and Ted in 2007, both from Scott Glen. Caden is my first German Shepherd from another breeder, as my previous dogs were all from Sigrid Appelt, von Lindau Kennels in Thunder Bay. I love Sigrid's dogs, but wanted to try my hand with a working dog. Caden comes from Pennsylvania, from Von Kleinen Wiese kennels. His background is the old blood herding shepherds from Germany, and SchH dogs from Germany and Belgium.

The past two years have been extremely fruitful in terms of learning new ideas and moving onto new pursuits! Having Jet, Ted and Caden has been like "trial by fire" with three very promising working dogs who all track and herd sheep. River is my constant companion, a talisman from my former life and my best friend..."the Princess of Penhold" as she likes to be called! I frequently feel that my other dogs are with me too, unseen but often felt nearby. I am sure you have felt the same thing, if you have had dogs as close companions.

Well, as I said, what a morning! My head is spinning from going through old photos. I may toss in some more flashbacks from time to time as I have literally boxes of photos to go through and many wonderful memories thanks to so many great dogs and good friends.

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