A typical Sunday and typical pictures of the dogs

Today I had a typical Sunday, playing with all of the dogs. Normally I tire everyone out in the morning then go to SchH in Calgary in the afternoon, but stayed home today to make sure I am over this flu! So we played and worked this afternoon. Caden did a track and some obedience. River did a "free track" with no line or harness.

Jet and Ted just had fun, but I could not resist practicing a lie down with them as well to keep them tuned up for working sheep. Plus, I tossed in a "sit" for Jet, as she is learning the sit command. Being a stockdog, sit is not in her repetoire. But I am thinking of entering her for a SchH BH and tracking titles, so she will need to do some basic obedience - and she certainly has the drive! She could probably do protection work too, LOL. SHE thinks she weighs 135 pounds, but really, she is just 35 pounds and the rest is attitude.

Here are typical pictures of Jet and Ted...

Ted, so handsome and waiting for a command

Jet, possessing the ball, self-satisfied, and tuckered out from always beating Ted, every throw;
and she found some water to cool off in, too...of course!And River "the Princess" poses in the sunset after her free track... (which will be the subject of another post)...she looks typically beautiful to me.

And here is the Alligator with his ball...

Below is a short clip of me working on Fuss (heel) mostly going backwards and doing quarter turns to the left. He is a noisy boy because he is so excited. The ball is tucked in my armpit and is his motivation. I am trying to be low-key and give commands neutrally to him. Then, he gets his prize. We have a long way to go but have 6 months to work on our BH (beginner's) requirements. He now has the basic position sort of in his head - that is - where he is supposed to be relative to me - straight beside me, looking up at me (or for now, the ball) and shoulders even with my legs. Because he forges, I mostly turn left and go backwards. It works better when we back up along a fence or wall though! I tried to use the yellow line for a visual.

I have never had a dog so eager to do obedience - or anything - for a ball! Here is a longer clip of him doing a down stay and recall bearing in mind that I am NEW to this and know we have a way to go. Good to get a baseline and watch for our progress, we are aiming for a BH next year - early summer, so lots of time... you may like to turn the volume to mute because his barking can make your ears bleed! God love him, he needs to stop this and I am working on it, but he is just too excited!

And just to be fair, here is a handsome boy shot of Caden, too...

I kinda liked these bulrushes today...

River - I plunked her start flag into the shot. Below, the bookends...

It was just so great to be out on a nice sunny afternoon. I hope you had a great day too!

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