Seminar - Lisa Selthofer Nov 7th

I just got back from conducting a 1-day agility seminar and had such a good time.

There were dogs & handlers at different skill levels and as is expected, each team was unique.

For example, some teams needed to be more precise in their cues, others needed to give their dogs a chance to figure out what they were asking and some needed to embrace their dog's speed and just go with it.

I love seminars (actually, I love teaching) and I see my job as making each team successful. The benefit of coming in and working with folks that you haven't seen before is that you bring a new perspective and skill set.

The course above was our challenge for the day. The handling skills being tested included a push-out to the top of a pinwheel (#2 jump), being comfortable ahead of your dog (#3 jump), turning a dog away & pushing out to an obstacle (a-frame to tunnel), a rear cross (#8 & #16 jumps), a front cross (#9 & #17 jumps), large spacing with off-course options (#11 to 12 & #19 to 20 jumps) and working these skills on BOTH sides (yeap, this course mirrors itself).

It was a ton of stuff for this group and for this newer club, it was also an introduction to consistency as it applies to cueing front & rear crosses. Later, I showed them how I train the 2on/2off contact work and also the EASY way I've just started to train the table.

I really had a great time with this group and could have easily continued for another day...hopefully they felt the same or at least left with a ton of knowledge and ideas! LOL

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