The Dog Whisperer causes confusion in my home

Yesterday morning I tuned into the Dog Whisperer. It was an old episode about Jerry the German Shepherd who was supposed to be a guard dog for an Abbey in New York. The monks were having some problems with Jerry's behaviour so called Cesar Millan for advice.

Caden doesn't usually pay attention to TV, but yesterday he was so shocked to see a German Shepherd on the screen - one that was barking and growling to boot! By the time I got my camera, the next scenario was playing, about a couple whose dog would not stop whining after they brought home their new baby.

Personally, I hoped Caden might pay attention to this episode about whining, since he is the most vocal dog I have ever had! Oh yeah, it is me that is supposed to be the pack leader.

After checking out the TV, Caden looked out the bedroom window to the street (being careful to look both ways), and then through the curtains at the french doors, into the backyard. Since yesterday, Caden has twigged to television for the first time. NOW, he barks at it every time he doesn't like what he hears, and roars around the couch in a circle with his hackles up. Cesar. you may have solved a few problems, but your show has caused one in my house! Do you think he might come here to help me?

Maybe next summer when it is not -36 C.

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