New Years - time for some backwards planning!

Happy New Year everyone!

I believe that this night is a time to be grateful for everything that has come our way in 2008. It is not a time to make resolutions, in fact I am not even a believer in resolutions. I am trying to practice "present moment" living, and believe that every action and thought we have in the present moment will unfold in our lives. Think about dieting - we can waste our time dreaming about how we will look a year from now - or - we can think about each bite we put into our mouths "now." How we eat and drink, and how active we are from moment to moment is the most important thing.

One of my goals is to find a farm and have my own sheep again!

The same can be said for how we interact with our dogs who are very present beings. Training our dogs depends on a moment by moment, interaction by interaction philosophy. If we make the most of each moment, our interactions will add up to create a better relationship and a well-behaved dog.

So having said all that - it is still important to have a "plan" and work incrementally on steps that make sense and are achievable. Each year at this time I like to look at each of my dogs and think - what do I think I can achieve this year? Then I look realistically at the time I have, the access I have to training and trials, and do a bit of backwards planning.

And I hope to enter a stockdog trial this year -
But when? With which dog?
(no this is not one of my dogs, it is a free stock photo)

Backwards planning means looking at trials you may have access to, and coming up with a training plan to get you to that point where you are ready to enter. So if there is a tracking trial I want to enter at the end of May - here is what I do:

What dog

What level

Preparation and training time

Training schedule - I start with the trial, and work BACKWARDS

  • May trial

  • Week prior to trial - motivation only, and rest

  • Entry deadline - decide who to enter

  • Two weeks prior to entry deadline - are things going well? This is not the time to fix big problems

  • Month before the deadline - do we have major issues?

  • April - first training on veg with no snow; assess where we are at

  • Note - up to now, we have not trained a lot due to weather

  • March - work with a partner and try a blind track

  • February - increase age and distance

  • January - assess where we are at with a short track

After doing this, I realize that it looks like I have 5 months, but really, due to weather and not being able to work on veg, realistically it is 3 months of work in 5 months. Take away pressures that detract from training, and it might be less.

**This is why it is so important to keep a tracking journal, to stay honest about how much you actually train***

For herding trials, my schedule might be different because I am more of a beginner. I would build in some time to achieve steps in my ability to handle my dog - and give myself more time to get ready.

Since I have multiple dogs, and I work full time, I will look over four training plans for four dogs, and start to do some give and take because we can't do it all, and it is time to set some priorities. My oldest dog River is a big priority for tracking. Caden has lots of time and I can play around with his tracking while I work in earnest with River, since her tracks have to age.

I have to work harder with Jet and Ted to decide who is the dog I will trial first, so my first step in that plan is just to work them more so I have a better feeling for working each one.

Once I have the big picture in my head, I feel I can train smarter and relax because I know the schedule I am working towards with each dog. This prevents wasting time. And notice, I have not made one resolution like "This year I will track every weekend." This kind of resolution is doomed to fail because life is busy and things come up. And there is no real plan attached to the resolution.

Instead, I have a goal which is to make sure River is ready for a UTDX test. I know where they are and when they are, and this will guide my training in a calm manner. And I build in benchmarks to see how we are doing. If we aren't ready, or if I can't make it or don't get into a test - I know what the next options are, and I won't be hard on myself or start to feel defeated.

And of course there are four tracking dogs here - and they need...
River needs her UTDX
Jet needs a UTD and TDX

Caden and Ted need their TDs

But when and where?

Someone once said to me - trying to get by a day at a time is big picture thinking! Get by 5 minutes at a time, and you will find these small chunks easier to manage. The Buddhists, and the positive thinking philosopher Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now) believe that we can lose important moments in our lives if we dwell on the past or future. As Eckhart Tolle says - when the future arrives - it will be NOW!

I hope that when each of my "now" moments arrive I will be ready because I have decided to work steadily, moment by moment, to train and prepare in a calm, thoughtful and positive manner.

I encourage everyone to do this! There is no magic trick or secret to setting out a good plan and enjoying the journey. If you don't train in a positive and happy frame of mind, it will show and your dogs will pick up your feelings of frustration and defeat. Be sure to be grateful that life is good enough that we can spend time in this way. And enjoy your dogs!

Happy New Year and all the best in 2009!

Donna and the Spiritdance Dogs

PS Since there are not many photos in this post - here is what I am making to serve for New Year's dinner tomorrow with some friends, from Jamie Oliver's blog (and from his Christmas Special) -

Baking and cooking are two other ways to stay focused in the present moment!

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