Ending the year with thanks

This is the St. Francis of Assisi statue in my backyard. My sister took the picture because she liked how the snow looks like a Santa hat. St. Francis was known for the calming affect he had on animals around him. He wrote a "Canticle of the Creatures" which was an ode to all living things. In it he wrote: “All praise to you, Oh Lord, for all these brother and sister creatures.” I Googled some images of St. Francis and found these ones that show him with wolves. If you use Google images you will find these and more. I hope you enjoy them!
Once a year some Franciscan and Catholic Churches offer a blessing of the pets service where animals are sprinkled with holy water. According to American Catholic website, the blessing goes like this:

“Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures. You called forth fish
in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land. You inspired St. Francis
to call all of them his brothers and sisters. We ask you to bless this pet. By
the power of your love, enable it to live according to your plan. May we always
praise you for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are you, Lord our God, in
all your creatures! Amen.”

I know that everyone who might be reading my blog is here because you have dogs that are special in your life. Possibly even dogs who have been a blessing in your life, making your life different and moving your life in a direction you never expected. As 2009 comes to a close, and we are about to welcome 2010, I invite you to close the year in part, by thanking God, or your source, the Divine Presence, or whatever higher presence moves you - for the people and the animals in your life. Because no matter what we each personally believe, we all share a love of dogs and agree that they play an important role in our lives!
Please allow me to share once again, the story of Thorn. As each year passes, I have more appreciation for the role he played in my life, even though he was an unassuming dog with few titles or accomplishments to boast about. I hope in sharing it to inspire you to think about your dogs and the role each of them plays, as each dog is a unique spirit - and (as Cesar Milan says) we always have the dog we need in our lives.

Two years ago on Christmas Day I lost my beautiful German Shepherd Thorn to Cancer and from now on, every Christmas, I know I will think of him. I have written in my blog about what a blessing he was in my life. He came along and was the first dog I owned after my Mom died, also of Cancer. The first dog my Mom never knew. But in many ways I think she sent him to me, to be my companion. He is the only dog who ever chose me - making it clear from the time he could waddle as a puppy that I was his person.

He was my best friend through tumultuous years in my life, when I was sick, and also had Cancer. He was never very good or even interested in any of my favourite activities (though he was game to give them a go)...his calling was to be my soft furry pillow, that dog always at my side, with eyes only for me - never judging, only loving.

Just before moving to Alberta, he became sick and died - in many ways I believe taking on illness to spare me; and gracefully leaving so I could move on in my life. I now look at Thorn as an angel, sent on a mission that ended when he died on that auspicious day.

When I started to write this post, I knew I wanted to share the idea of sending a New Year's Blessing to the animals as a nice year-end ritual. When I Googled it, I found a very interesting book I would also like to share called Will I See my Dog in Heaven? The book is written by a Friar. I agree with him, that heaven must have animals, because they certainly have souls and are so important to us while we are here on Earth. If you follow Buddhism, you might believe an animal could be a soulmate or a reincarnated soul in a dog's body! Or you might believe that we can make our heaven right here on Earth today, depending on how we choose to live and love while we are here, now. Whatever the case, I think that New Year's marks a remembrance of the past and a step into many possible futures. I know my life would be very different without my dogs. I would not live where I live, nor would I have the many friends I love or activities I enjoy if not for the connections made through my dogs.

I hope that as 2009 comes to an end, you have a few quiet moments to think about those you love - people and animals. Ideally, you can tell them and show them that you appreciate them every day.
In years' past I have written about goal-setting for the coming year. I can't do that this year. I have goals, of course, but somehow it seems more important to just be in the present moment and say thanks to everyone who makes every day a blessing. Rather than set big goals, if we all choose to live each day with purpose, appreciation and awareness of what is important, the year will surely unfold as it should.

Happy New Year to everyone and warm wishes for many wonderful days in 2010.

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