Sun Dog and Synchronicity

Check this out - Front Page of our local paper - the Sun Dog and great photo and story

Driving south of Red Deer today towards home I saw what looked like a rainbow, but wait, there were two! 

I pulled over to take pictures and looked it up when I got home. It is called a Sun Dog. I love it! Shakespeare wrote about Sun Dogs in Henry VI where Edward says, "Dazzle mine eyes, or do I see three suns?"

But even more interesting, is that I have been seeing the time 3:33 a lot, and it was 3:33 when I saw these and stopped to take the photos. I took this picture of the clock in my car!

Then I took the pictures of the Sun Dog.

And this morning, was on my treadmill. I was going to go for 30 minutes, but a song came on that I like so I ran until it ended. This was the time on my treadmill! It is interesting...

I wonder how this all adds up! Seeing the same numbers all of the time might mean I have a strong circadian rhythm where I look at the clock at the same time every day. Or, I just notice that time, even though I look all the time. 3:33 just registers with me! Or, there may be something more to it. Three is a very powerful number after all! It certainly is synchronicity today. I may give some meditation time to this, and will pay attention to what is happening when I see this number. In the meantime it is fun to notice it.

The Sun Dog was certainly auspicious!  

Whether it means anything - it was a beautiful sight.

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