Just stuff - more liver cookies, walking the dogs, wildlife

Healthy stuff! Now I am not even satisfied with buying cookies. On Sunday I made a huge batch of those liver-carrot cookies that I made before Christmas. They are so great and the dogs adore them.

I am eating all raw food - veggies and fruit, and otherwise following a lemonaid de-tox diet. I feel so great, I walked the dogs for one and a half hours tonight! I know I feel great and I know what I am eating. Feels great to know exactly what the dogs are eating too. My friend suggested a multi-vitamin which would cover a lot of the bases for appropriate vitamins.

We are all happy and tired tonight. AND, I discovered a new place to walk beyond Penhold, across the train tracks to a nesting sanctuary called  Fleming Marsh, which straddles the boundary between Penhold and Red Deer County, between some big farms. There is a great tree-lined road and no traffic and the dogs had a great time playing. It is so nice that it stays light enough after work to enjoy a walk before night settles in.

Alberta seems to be crazy about preserving wetlands, since they don't have a marsh every kilometer like we did in Northwestern Ontario. Its great to see so many sanctuaries, and from spring to fall, they are full of birds! However, I did see a sign that said "Predator Control area" with a skull and crossbones beside the bird sanctuary. I definitely must find out what that means, but I suspect it means - don't walk the dogs there once the snow melts. There certainly is a big coyote population here and they are very aggressive and even roam these smaller hamlets at night. People are warned to watch out for their pets.

Every morning lately, I pass two coyotes lying in a field while I drive to work. Sometimes they are hunting for mice. They are big and quite beautiful. Last weekend on my way home from Pam and Jerry's I saw a MOOSE in a field, and coyote crossed the road in front of my car. As soon as you go west from Red Deer, you are in the mountain foothills and there is a lot of wildlife! It is the big warning I get when I talk to people about getting sheep - coyote predation. People clear their fencelines of all trees so there is nowhere to hide for a coyote.

AND, there are cougars in the forested areas around here, following along the Red Deer River all the way east towards Drumheller. I am use to bears, but cougars - that is something new, and I have been reading up on how to avoid contact and what to do if you see one. The dogs stay ON a leash, for one thing!

Below is a map of little Penhold and my three dog walking routes now. Most nights I do the blue and pink. River and Caden go on the blue, then I drop off River and pick up Jet and Ted! Tonight, I took River and Ted on the green walk to the marsh. Then dropped them off and took Caden and Jet on my usual pink route. Penhold is not very big. I did the green and pink walks in 1.5 hours. This map is from the Town of Penhold website.

River and Ted were so good, playing and romping together - they are very much alike and act like an old married couple. Jet and Caden were all business and they like to boot it on a walk. They are also alike, full of spunk and keeping me on my toes!

Links to tracking - walking your dogs keeps them in shape, and builds relationships!

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