Survivor Tracking - River's latest Urban Track

Yesterday I laid a track on my afternoon coffee break when it was sunny and warm. But when I ran it, it was -9 C and my fingers nearly froze off! But I can't waste a track and River did fine. She went off on a long leg on pure ice down the centre of a parking lot but seemed to find the scent in and around cars then got back on. I cheered her on, but I think I was trying to keep myself from getting hypothermia! Rather than post everything here, I narrated while I video-taped. The links to this track are to your left at the top of the sidebar - River's track for February 23. It felt like one of those episodes of Survivor as I start to whine about not feeling my hands! This is what happens when you are addicted to tracking...

PS - added Feb 24. I am sick today, gee what a surprise...

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